Consultations for Clinicians
In response to ongoing requests, I now offer online video consultations.

Are you a clinician working with a client and the therapy process seems to be stuck? Symptoms do not improve? The client is showing resistance? The client experiences complex difficulties and you are not sure how to proceed? This consultation is for you.
This consultation is particularly useful for therapists working with clients and their family members in these circumstances:
Multiple diagnoses
Stress, trauma, PTSD, Complex PTSD
Developmental trauma (eating disorders, personality disorders, addictions)
Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) (eating disorders, personality disorders, addictions)
Adoptees and adoptive parents who experience multiple challenges
Somatic components of stress and trauma
PANDAS/PANS Neuroinflammation Challenges (ODD, OCD, ADHD, sensory integration).
Sensitive kids: ADHD, ODD, SPD, OCD, ARFID
Caregiver Stress (burnout and PTSD).
To arrange a consultation:
(1) Fill out a request in the box below, including a brief description of the situation or issues you'd like to consult about.
(2) I'll respond with an email about policies and fees and how to book a time.
Payment is by credit card when you book a consultation.