Therapy in times of crisis is different than in normalcy. Everyone is impacted by the trauma of this deadly pandemic that stalks families and communities and life for many has been turned upside down. The routines that people depend on for stability are not available for many of our clients.
We cannot do therapy as usual at this time. We must assess each client's situation carefully and use resource-based approaches on an individualized basis.
In this webinar, Dr. Kraybill shows why, for most clients, trauma and grief processing are not appropriate at this time. Studies of crisis response in recent years have made clear that early processing of trauma and grief can be counter-productive or even harmful.
Psychosocial intervention that deploys elements of Psychological First Aid (PFA). using experiential methods and focusing on resources is more appropriate at this time.
Experiential methods are especially useful in times of high stress - they are potent in promoting self-regulation and re-establishing containment in the midst of chaos. A focus on resources is essential, for many clients are overwhelmed in so many ways that the very foundations of life seem threatened. Restoring a connection to these resources must precede any other work.
This 90-minute presentation blends up-to-date theoretical and clinical inputs with detailed, step-by-step guidance on how to use experiential methods in assisting clients in a time of high stress. It includes:
A "Trauma Response Timeline" that breaks down post-trauma experience into phases and describes treatment options appropriate for each.
Two alternatives to therapy that every caregiver should know how to provide: Psychological First Aid and Psychosocial Support.
A strategy (described and demonstrated) for helping clients connect to personal resources, even when they doubt that they have any.
4 exercises to help clients feel grounded and able to do self-regulation.
2 "re-set" exercises for moments when survivors feel overwhelmed by fear or panic.
3 experiential exercises for containment.